2014 - Present

Private sales


Art Miami, Cavello, J. (producer)

“Art at the Core” The Intersection of Visual Art, Performance & Technology, Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill, New York


“Not in Nottingham” Solo Exhibition: Westwood Gallery, New York, New York

Art Miami, Dupont, S & Cavello, J. (Producers).

“Amazon Gold” [Documentary]. New York, New York. Marketing/Production art, Bryan El Castillo

Amazon Rainforest: Paradise І Paradox, Westwood Gallery, New York, New York

“Chanel Retrospective” Douglas Kirkland 25th Anniversary, Chanel Boutique exhibition space, Tokyo/NYC


Art Hamptons, The International Art Fair

“Chanel Retrospective.” Douglas Kirkland 25th Anniversary, Chanel Boutique exhibition space, Hong Kong

“Identity•Image•Icons” Group Exhibition: Westwood Gallery, New York, New York

FADA Los Angeles Art Show, Los Angeles Convention Center: Contemporary Art exhibition


Art Miami, Cavello, J. (producer)

FADA Los Angeles Art Show, Los Angeles Convention Center: Contemporary Art exhibition


Art Miami, Cavello, J. (producer)

“Wired,” Solo Exhibition: Westwood Gallery, New York, New York (November)

Art Chicago: The International Fair of Contemporary and Modern Art, Contemporary Art exhibition Chicago

“Chanel Retrospective.” Site Specific Installation. Douglas Kirkland 25th Anniversary, Chanel Boutique Waikiki


FADA Los Angeles Art Show, Los Angeles Convention Center: Contemporary Art exhibition


Art Miami, Cavello, J. (producer)

Art Washington DC, DC Metro Arts: Contemporary Art exhibition

“Under a Broken Sky.” Solo Exhibition: Westwood Gallery, New York, New York


“Untitled.” Solo Exhibition: Underground Gallery, Telluride